Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gas Prices and a Home Based Business

Many are the reasons that a Home-Based business might sound attractive to people nowadays. Among them are working in an arrangement that allows more quality time with the family, working for you versus working for someone else, or working on your own schedule versus answering to the schedule requirements of someone else. If you ask any four people why they want to build a home based business, you might get 4 different answers.

Add fuel costs to that list! As gasoline creeps up toward $4 per gallon, many people are going to have trouble paying for that trip to work and back each day. Building a home based business is one of the greenest business models around, unless of course your home based business involves driving (for example, a mobile eBay consignment business).

If your home business does involve driving, can you re-form your business plan to cut back or eliminate your driving? If you're still looking at home based businesses, perhaps consider driving requirements as criteria. Look for the home based businesses that require little or no driving such as a Drop Ship Home Business or a Home Business taking Infomercial Calls. According to all indicators, the cost of fuel isn't going down anytime soon!

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